The smoke generators
The smoke generators are high-performance smoulder smoke generators for dry beech chips of grain size 4-12 mm. They are characterised by a very powerful aroma. Smoking times are correspondingly short and therefore extremely gentle on the products thanks to the high smoke densities achieved with these smoke generators.
Smoke smoke generators – the principle of operation
A smoulder smoke generator for wood chips generates the smoke through the automatic, controlled smouldering of beech wood chips or other low-resin hardwoods. The chips are dry-smouldered, dampening is omitted, therefore. The density of the smoke can be selected by setting the controls to one of various levels (light, normal, intensive).
Equipment of the smoke smoke generator
All smoulder smoke generators are fitted with a preventative safety system. This means that the controls permanently monitor all safety-relevant parameters and triggers corresponding measures to restore a safe operating condition before critical values are reached. The controls permanently inform the user about the operating condition.
Depending on the size of the unit, various models are available.
Advantages of wood chip smoke generators:
- Very powerful smoke aroma and colouring properties
- High smoke densities for short smoke generator processes gentle on the product
- Preventative safety system
- Variable controllable smoke intensity, low wood consumption
- Simple and maintenance-friendly use
- Fully-automatic control systems